Christian Denominations 2024

Catholic Archdiocese of Malta 2024

St. Paul’s Metropolitan Cathedral, Mdina    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     (5)    360
St. John Co-Cathedral, Valletta    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Carmel, Valletta    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of Our Lady of Fair Havens and St. Dominic, Valletta    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of St. Helen, Birkirkara    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, Mosta    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of Christ the King, Paola    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of St. Paul, Rabat    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of the Holy Cross, Valletta    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Churches    (1)     (2)
Church of Our Lady of Victory, Attard
Church of St. Anne, Attard
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Attard
Church of St. Mary of the Angels, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
Church of St. Martin of Tours, Baħrija
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Balluta
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Balzan
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Balzan
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Balzan
Church of St. Roque, Balzan
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Bengħajsa
Church of the Holy Family, Bidnija
Church of Our Lady of Hodegitria, Binġemma
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Birgu
Church of Our Lady of Damascus, Birgu
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Birgu
Church of St. Anne, Birgu
Church of St. Philip Neri, Birgu
Church of St. Lawrence, Martyr, Birgu
Church of the Holy Trinity, Birgu
Shrine of Our Lady of Tal-Herba, Birkirkara
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Birkirkara
Church of St. Alphonsus Liguori, Birkirkara
Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Birkirkara
Church of St. Joseph the Worker, Birkirkara
Church of St. Paul, Birkirkara
Shrine of St. Therese of Lisieux, Birkirkara
Oratory of Our Lady Help of Christians, Birkirkara
Church of St. George, Birżebbuġa
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Birżebbuġa
Church of St. Peter in Chains, Birżebbuġa
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Bormla
Church of St. Joseph Conservatory, Bormla
Monastery of St. Margaret, Bormla
Church of St. Paul, Bormla
Church of St. Therese of Jesus, Bormla
Church of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Buġibba
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Burmarrad
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot, Buskett
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dingli
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fawwara
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fgura
Old Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fgura
Church of Christ the King, Fleur-de-Lys
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fleur-de-Lys
Church of the Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, Floriana
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Floriana
Church of the Holy Cross, Floriana
Church of St. Publius, Floriana
Church of St. Bartholomew, Għargħur
Church of St. John the Baptist, Għargħur
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Għargħur
Church of St. Nicholas, Għargħur
Church of St. Philip Neri, Għaxaq
Church of Christ the Redeemer, Għaxaq
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Għaxaq
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Gudja
Church of Our Lady of Loreto, Gudja
Church of St. Catherine, Gudja
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gudja
Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Gwardamanġa
Church of Our Lady of Loreto, Gwardamanġa
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Gwardamanġa
Church of Christ the Redeemer, Gzira
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Gzira
Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Ħad-Dingli
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ħamrun
Church of Our Lady of Antioch, Ħamrun
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Ħamrun
Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Ħamrun
Church of St. Cajetan of Thiene, Ħamrun
Church of Mary Immaculate, Mother of the Church, Ibraġ
Church of the Holy Family, Iklin
Knisja Kolleggjata Arcipretali Ta’ Marija Bambina, Isla
Church of Our Lady of Safe Havens (St. Philip Neri), Isla
Church of Purification of Our Lady, Isla
Church of St. Julian, Isla
Church of the Holy Crucifix, Isla
Church of St. Joseph, Kalkara
Monastery of St. Barbara, Kalkara
Church of St. Leonard Abbot, Kirkop
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Lija
Church of St. Andrew, Lija
Church of St. Mary, Lija
Church of St. Peter, Lija
Church of the Blessed Virgin “Tal-Mirakli”, Lija
Old Church of the Transfiguration, Lija
Church of the Transfiguration, Lija
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Lija
Church of St. Andrew, Luqa
Forżi Armati ta’ Malta, Luqa
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Madliena
Church of St. Joseph, Manikata
Old Church of St. Joseph, Manikata
Church of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Marsa
Church of the Queenship of Mary, Marsa
Church of the Assumption, Marsa
Church of the Holy Trinity, Marsa
Church of Our Lady of Light, Marsaskala
Church of Our Lady of Consolation, Marsaskala
Church of the Holy Rosary, Marsaskala
Church of St. Anne, Marsaskala
Old Church of St. Anne, Marsaskala
Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Marsaskala
Church of St. Cajetan of Thiene, Marsaskala
Church of Our Lady of Pompeii, Marsaxlokk
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Marsaxlokk
Church of Our Lady of the Snows, Marsaxlokk
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Mdina
Church of St. Agatha, Mdina
Church of St. Nicholas, Mdina
Monastery of St. Peter, Mdina
Church of St. Peter in Chains, Mdina
Church of St. Roch (Our Lady of Light), Mdina
Shrine of Our Lady of the Grotto, Mellieħa
Shrine of Our Lady of Mellieha, Mellieħa
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Mellieħa
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mġarr
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mosta
Church of Our Lady of Hope, Mosta
Church of Mary Mother of the Church, Mosta
Oratory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mosta
Church of St. Andrew, Mosta
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot, Mosta
Church of St. Leonard the Abbot, Mosta
Church of St. Margaret of Antioch, Mosta
Church of St. Monica, Mosta
Church of St. Paul the Hermit, Mosta
Church of St. Sylvester, Mosta
Church of the Visitation, Mosta
Church of St. Basil, Mqabba
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mqabba
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Msida
Old Church of the Immaculate Conception, Msida
Church of St. Joseph, Msida
Franciscan Sisters, Msida
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Mtaħleb
Church of St. Lucy, Mtarfa
Church of St. Oswald, Mtarfa
Shrine of Divine Mercy, Naxxar
Church of St. Mary, Naxxar
Church of St. Paul, Naxxar
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Naxxar
Church of Our Lady, Mother of Good Counsel, Paceville
Church of St. Rita, Paceville
Church of Jesus of Nazareth, Paola
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Paola
Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Paola
Church of St. John the Baptist, Paola
Church of St. Ubaldesca, Paola
Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Pembroke
Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Qawra
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Qormi
Church of Our Lady of Qrejca, Qormi
Shrine of Our Lady of Childbirth, Qormi
Church of Our Lady of Victory, Qormi
Church of St. Sebastian, Qormi
Church of St. Sebastian, Qormi
Church of St. Francis de Paul, Qormi
Church of St. George, Qormi
Church of St. Catherine, Qormi
Church of St. Mary, Qormi
Church of St. Peter, Qormi
Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Qrendi
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Qrendi
Church of St. Matthew, Qrendi
Church of the Immaculate Conception and St. Anthony Abbot, Rabat
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Rabat
Church of Mater Admirabilis, Rabat
Church of St. Agatha, Rabat
Church of St. Bartholomew, Rabat
Church of St. Sebastian, Rabat
Santwarju tal-Madonna tal-Ghar, Rabat
Church of St. Francis, Rabat
Church of St. Joseph, Rabat
Church of St. Catald, Rabat
Church of St. Mary, Rabat
Church of Our Lady of Jesus, Rabat
Chapel of the Assumption of Mary, Rabat
Church of St. Mark, Rabat
 San Publiju , Rabat
Church of St. Publius, Rabat
Archbishop’s Seminary, Rabat
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Rabat
Church of the Conversion of St. Paul, Safi
Church of St. Mary, Safi
Church of the Immaculate Conception, San Ġiljan
Lapsi Church, San Ġiljan
Church of St. Julian, San Ġiljan
Church of St. Clare, San Ġiljan
Church of the Annunciation and St. Leonard, San Ġwann
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, San Ġwann
Church of St. Pius X, Santa Luċija
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, San Pawl il-Baħar
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, San Pawl il-Baħar
Church of St. Anne, San Pawl il-Baħar
Shrine of the Shipwreck of St. Paul, San Pawl il-Baħar
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Santa Venera
Church of St. Joseph, Santa Venera
Church of St. Venera, Santa Venera
Old Church of St. Venera, Santa Venera
Church of Our Lady of Providence, Siġġiewi
Church of Our Lady of Divine Providence, Siġġiewi
Church of St. Blaise, Siġġiewi
Church of St. Margaret, Siġġiewi
Church of St. Mary, Siġġiewi
Church of St. Mary, Siġġiewi
Church of St. Mark, Siġġiewi
Church of St. Nicholas of Bari, Siġġiewi
Church of the Holy Family, Sliema
Church of Jesus of Nazareth, Sliema
Church of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Sliema
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (St. Patrick), Sliema
Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sliema
Church of St. Gregory the Great, Sliema
Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Sliema
Church of St. George Preca, Swatar
Church of St. John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex
Church of the Risen Lord (Church of All Souls), Tarxien
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Tarxien
Church of St. Bartholomew, Tarxien
Church of Assumption, Tarxien
Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Tarxien
Church of Circumcision of the Lord (Jesuit Church), Valletta
Church of Christ the Redeemer, Valletta
Church of Our Lady of Damascus, Valletta
Church of Our Lady of Victory, Valletta
Church of the Shipwreck of St. Paul, Valletta
Church of the Presentation of Our Lady (St. Catherine), Valletta
Church of St. Barbara, Valletta
Church of St. Catherine of Italy, Valletta
Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Valletta
Church of St. James, Valletta
Church of St. Lucy, Valletta
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Valletta
Church of St. Mary of Jesus, Valletta
Church of St. Nicholas, Valletta
Church of St. Roch, Valletta
Church of St. Augustine, Valletta
Church of Our Lady of Grace, Wardija
Church of St. Joseph the Worker, Xemxija
Church of St. James, Xgħajra
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Żabbar
Church of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Żabbar
Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Żabbar
Church of St. Joseph, Żabbar
Church of St. Mary, Żabbar
Church of the Holy Cross, Żabbar
Ursuline Sisters, Żabbar
Church of St. Anne, Żebbiegh
Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady, Żebbuġ
Church of Our Lady of the Light, Żebbuġ
Church of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Żebbuġ
Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Żebbuġ
Church of St. Philip of Aggira, Żebbuġ
Church of St. James, Żebbuġ
Shrine of St. Joseph, Żebbuġ
Church of St. Mary, Żebbuġ
Church of St. Mary of the Angels, Żebbuġ
Church of St. Roch, Żebbuġ
Church of the Visitation, Żebbuġ
Oratory, Żebbuġ
Church of Jesus of Nazareth, Żejtun
Church of Christ the Saviour, Żejtun
Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Żejtun
Church of St. Angelo Martyr, Żejtun
Church of St. Catherine (St. Gregory), Żejtun
Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Żejtun
Church of St. Clement, Żejtun
Church of St. Mary, Żejtun
Church of St. Mary of Child Birth, Żejtun
Church of the Holy Spirit, Żejtun
Oratory of the Blessed Sacrament, Żejtun
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Żurrieq
Church of St. Agatha, Żurrieq
Church of St. Bartholomew, Żurrieq
Church of St. James, Żurrieq
Laboratorju tal-Pac, Żurrieq
Church of St. Catherine, Żurrieq
Church of St. Luke, Żurrieq
Church of St. Mary, Żurrieq 
