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Co-Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, the Holy Redeemer and St. Germanus Bishop, Cassino (1) (2) (3) (4) 360
Co-Cathedral of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, Pontecorvo (1) (2) (3) (4) 360
Co-Cathedral of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, Pontecorvo (1) (2) (3) (4) 360
Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Sora, FR
Church of Our Lady of Carmel and St. Anthony, San Donato Val di Comino, FR
Church of Our Lady of Divine Love, Pontrinio, FR
Church of Our Lady of the Snows, Sora, FR
Church of Our Lady of Grace, Sora, FR
Church of Our Lady of Loreto, Castrocielo, FR
Church of the Most Holy Immaculate Mary, Selva, FR
Church of the Holy Family, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Barbara, Fontana Liri Inferiore, FR
Church of St. Bartholomew, San Bartolomeo, FR
Church of St. Basil, Caira, FR
Church of St. Benedict the Abbot, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Benedict the Abbot, Sant’Andrea del Garigliano, FR
Church of St. Blaise, San Biagio Saracinisco, FR
Church of St. Blaise, Sant’Ambrogio sul Garigliano, FR
Church of St. Cyrus and St. Restituta, Sora, FR
Church of St. Cyrus, Settignano, FR
Church of the Holy Cross, Castelliri, FR
Church of St. Fulk, Santopadre, FR
Church of St. Francis, Sora, FR
Church of St. James the Apostle, Piumarola, FR
Church of St. George the Martyr, San Giorgio a Liri, FR
Church of St. Giovanni Antida, Sora, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Acquafondata, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Cassino, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Gallinaro, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, San Giovanni Incarico, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Sant’Angelo in Theodice, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Sora, FR
Church of St. Joseph and St. Cajetan, Colfelice, FR
Church of St. Lawrence the Levite, Picinisco, FR
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr, Isola del Liri, FR
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr, Monte San Giovanni Campano, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Castrocielo, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Sora, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Villa Santa Lucia, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Sora, FR
Church of St. Magnus, Colle San Magno, FR
Church of St. Mark and St. Mary, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of St. Margaret, Roccasecca, FR
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Valvori, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Belmonte Castello, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Castello, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Piedimonte San Germano Alta, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Piedimonte San Germano Bassa, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Posta Fibreno, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Scalo, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Terelle, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Vallerotonda, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Viticuso, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Bernard, Rocca d’Arce, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Joseph, Villa Felice, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Angels, Sant’Apollinare, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Angels, Sora, FR
Church of St. Mary, Isola del Liri, FR
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Collecarino, FR
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Portella, FR
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Rosanisco, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Olives, Olivella, FR
Church of Our Lady of Peace and St. Barbatus, Casalattico, FR
Church of St. Mary, San Vittore del Lazio, FR
Church of Our Lady of the Star and St. Michael, Broccostella, FR
Church of Our Lady of the Valley, Selvone, FR
Church of Our Lady of Victory, Isoletta, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Graces, Caprile, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Graces, Vallerotonda, FR
Church of Our Lady of Pompeii, Forcella, FR
Church of St. Mary and St. Marcellus, San Donato Val di Comino, FR
Church of St. Maria Goretti, Cerreto, FR
Church of St. Mary, Sant’Elia Fiumerapido, FR
Church of St. Mary Major, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Mary Major, Monticelli, FR
Church of St. Mary Major and St. Philip Neri, Esperia Superiore, FR
Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Arpino, FR
Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Pietrafitta, FR
Church of St. Michael and St. Joseph, Valleluce, FR
Church of St. Nicholas, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of St. Paul, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Paul the Apostle, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of St. Peter the Apostle, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Peter, Esperia Inferiore, FR
Church of St. Restituta, Sora, FR
Church of St. Roch, Sora, FR
Church of St. Rosalia, Sora, FR
Church of St. Scholastica, Ponte Melfa, FR
Church of St. Sylvester, Sora, FR
Church of St. Simeon, Alvito, FR
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle, Campoli Appennino, FR
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle and St. Vitus, Arpino, FR
Church of St. Antoninus the Martyr, Pico, FR
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot, Castelnuovo Parano, FR
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot, Sora, FR
Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Casalcassinese, FR
Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Anthony, Tofaro, FR
Church of St. Anthony and St. Restiuta, Carnello, FR
Church of St. Anthony the Martyr, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Hermit and St. Grimoaldus, Ravano, FR
Church of St. Olivia, Sant’Oliva, FR
Church of St. Humphrey, Sant’Onofrio, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Fontechiari, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Pescosolido, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Vicalvi, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Casalvieri, FR
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Arce, FR
Church of the Holy Annunciation, Castello, FR
Church of the Holy Annunciation, Castelnuovo Parano, FR
Church of the Holy Annunciation, Villa Latina, FR
Church of the Annunciation and St. Blase, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of the Anunciation and St. Thomas, Vallemaio, FR
Church of the Holy Saviour, Pignataro Interamna, FR
Church of the Holy Spirit, Sora, FR
Church of St. Stephen, Fontana Liri Superiore, FR
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr, Settefrati, FR
Church of Our Lady, Canistro Inferiore, AQ
Church of Our Lady of Grace, Civitella Roveto, AQ
Church of St. John the Baptist, Canistro Superiore, AQ
Church of St. John the Baptist, Civitella Roveto, AQ
Church of St. John the Baptist, Rendinara, AQ
Church of St. Lidanus, Pero dei Santi, AQ
Church of St. Mary, Grancia, AQ
Church of St. Mary, San Vincenzo Valle Roveto, AQ
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Roccavivi, AQ
Church of Our Lady of the Star, Morino, AQ
Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Pescocanale, AQ
Church of St. Nicholas, Castronovo, AQ
Church of St. Restituta and St. Michael, Le Rosce, AQ
Church of St. Roch and St. John, San Vincenzo Valle Roveto, AQ
Church of the Holy Trinity, Meta, AQ
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr, Civita d’Antino, AQ
Church of St. Joseph, Casamarina, CE
Church of St. Mary, Mortola, CE
Church of St. Mary, Camino, CE
Church of St. Mary Major, Rocca d’Evandro, CE
Church of St. Nicholas and St. Michael, San Pietro Infine, CE
Church of the Holy Saviour, Cocuruzzo, CE
Church of Our Lady of Carmel and St. Anthony, San Donato Val di Comino, FR
Church of Our Lady of Divine Love, Pontrinio, FR
Church of Our Lady of the Snows, Sora, FR
Church of Our Lady of Grace, Sora, FR
Church of Our Lady of Loreto, Castrocielo, FR
Church of the Most Holy Immaculate Mary, Selva, FR
Church of the Holy Family, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Barbara, Fontana Liri Inferiore, FR
Church of St. Bartholomew, San Bartolomeo, FR
Church of St. Basil, Caira, FR
Church of St. Benedict the Abbot, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Benedict the Abbot, Sant’Andrea del Garigliano, FR
Church of St. Blaise, San Biagio Saracinisco, FR
Church of St. Blaise, Sant’Ambrogio sul Garigliano, FR
Church of St. Cyrus and St. Restituta, Sora, FR
Church of St. Cyrus, Settignano, FR
Church of the Holy Cross, Castelliri, FR
Church of St. Fulk, Santopadre, FR
Church of St. Francis, Sora, FR
Church of St. James the Apostle, Piumarola, FR
Church of St. George the Martyr, San Giorgio a Liri, FR
Church of St. Giovanni Antida, Sora, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Acquafondata, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Cassino, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Gallinaro, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, San Giovanni Incarico, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Sant’Angelo in Theodice, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist, Sora, FR
Church of St. Joseph and St. Cajetan, Colfelice, FR
Church of St. Lawrence the Levite, Picinisco, FR
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr, Isola del Liri, FR
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr, Monte San Giovanni Campano, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Castrocielo, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Sora, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Villa Santa Lucia, FR
Church of St. Lucy, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Sora, FR
Church of St. Magnus, Colle San Magno, FR
Church of St. Mark and St. Mary, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of St. Margaret, Roccasecca, FR
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Valvori, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Belmonte Castello, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Castello, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Piedimonte San Germano Alta, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Piedimonte San Germano Bassa, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Posta Fibreno, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Scalo, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Terelle, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Vallerotonda, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Viticuso, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Bernard, Rocca d’Arce, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Joseph, Villa Felice, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Angels, Sant’Apollinare, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Angels, Sora, FR
Church of St. Mary, Isola del Liri, FR
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Collecarino, FR
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Portella, FR
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Rosanisco, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Olives, Olivella, FR
Church of Our Lady of Peace and St. Barbatus, Casalattico, FR
Church of St. Mary, San Vittore del Lazio, FR
Church of Our Lady of the Star and St. Michael, Broccostella, FR
Church of Our Lady of the Valley, Selvone, FR
Church of Our Lady of Victory, Isoletta, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Graces, Caprile, FR
Church of St. Mary of the Graces, Vallerotonda, FR
Church of Our Lady of Pompeii, Forcella, FR
Church of St. Mary and St. Marcellus, San Donato Val di Comino, FR
Church of St. Maria Goretti, Cerreto, FR
Church of St. Mary, Sant’Elia Fiumerapido, FR
Church of St. Mary Major, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Mary Major, Monticelli, FR
Church of St. Mary Major and St. Philip Neri, Esperia Superiore, FR
Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Arpino, FR
Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Pietrafitta, FR
Church of St. Michael and St. Joseph, Valleluce, FR
Church of St. Nicholas, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of St. Paul, Cervaro, FR
Church of St. Paul the Apostle, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of St. Peter the Apostle, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Peter, Esperia Inferiore, FR
Church of St. Restituta, Sora, FR
Church of St. Roch, Sora, FR
Church of St. Rosalia, Sora, FR
Church of St. Scholastica, Ponte Melfa, FR
Church of St. Sylvester, Sora, FR
Church of St. Simeon, Alvito, FR
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle, Campoli Appennino, FR
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle and St. Vitus, Arpino, FR
Church of St. Antoninus the Martyr, Pico, FR
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot, Castelnuovo Parano, FR
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot, Sora, FR
Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Casalcassinese, FR
Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Anthony, Tofaro, FR
Church of St. Anthony and St. Restiuta, Carnello, FR
Church of St. Anthony the Martyr, Cassino, FR
Church of St. Hermit and St. Grimoaldus, Ravano, FR
Church of St. Olivia, Sant’Oliva, FR
Church of St. Humphrey, Sant’Onofrio, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Fontechiari, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Pescosolido, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Vicalvi, FR
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, Casalvieri, FR
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Arce, FR
Church of the Holy Annunciation, Castello, FR
Church of the Holy Annunciation, Castelnuovo Parano, FR
Church of the Holy Annunciation, Villa Latina, FR
Church of the Annunciation and St. Blase, Pontecorvo, FR
Church of the Anunciation and St. Thomas, Vallemaio, FR
Church of the Holy Saviour, Pignataro Interamna, FR
Church of the Holy Spirit, Sora, FR
Church of St. Stephen, Fontana Liri Superiore, FR
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr, Settefrati, FR
Church of Our Lady, Canistro Inferiore, AQ
Church of Our Lady of Grace, Civitella Roveto, AQ
Church of St. John the Baptist, Canistro Superiore, AQ
Church of St. John the Baptist, Civitella Roveto, AQ
Church of St. John the Baptist, Rendinara, AQ
Church of St. Lidanus, Pero dei Santi, AQ
Church of St. Mary, Grancia, AQ
Church of St. Mary, San Vincenzo Valle Roveto, AQ
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, Roccavivi, AQ
Church of Our Lady of the Star, Morino, AQ
Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Pescocanale, AQ
Church of St. Nicholas, Castronovo, AQ
Church of St. Restituta and St. Michael, Le Rosce, AQ
Church of St. Roch and St. John, San Vincenzo Valle Roveto, AQ
Church of the Holy Trinity, Meta, AQ
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr, Civita d’Antino, AQ
Church of St. Joseph, Casamarina, CE
Church of St. Mary, Mortola, CE
Church of St. Mary, Camino, CE
Church of St. Mary Major, Rocca d’Evandro, CE
Church of St. Nicholas and St. Michael, San Pietro Infine, CE
Church of the Holy Saviour, Cocuruzzo, CE
Shrine of St. Donatus, San Donato Val di Comino, FR
Shrine of St. Mary, Mortola, CE
Shrine of St. Gerard, Gallinaro, FR
Shrine of St. Mary, Valleradice, FR
Shrine of St. Ann, Vallegrande, FR
Shrine of Our Lady of the Roses, Roselli, FR
Shrine of St. Mary, Arpino, FR
Shrine of St. Mary, Arpino, FR
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